At our dental practice, we understand how frustrating it can be to experience dental issues despite taking great care of your teeth....READ MORE about restorative treatments in our office
At Dr. Steven Johnson's, we prioritize preventive dentistry because we believe that "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE"... READ MORE about preventive dentistry in our office.
At Dr. Steven Johnson's office, we believe that your smile is the first impression that can make a lasting impact on others. Whether you're interviewing for a job, going on a first date, or attending a friend's wedding, READ MORE about our innovative treatments to improve your smile
At our dental practice, we understand that preserving natural teeth is important, even when tooth decay or large fillings compromise their health.....READ MORE about our single visit crowns
When it comes to dental imaging, a periodic check-up X-ray is usually enough, but for more advanced procedures, it has limitations.....READ MORE about the 3D CT scan benefits
We understand that tooth extraction is never a pleasant experience. However, in certain cases, it becomes necessary. You may wonder what circumstances lead to this situation.... READ MORE about teeth extraction procedure
Dr. Steven Johnson's Dental Office - Your Destination for Beautiful and Strong Dental Crowns... READ MORE about dental crowns and veneers
Do you dream of having a brighter, more confident smile? At Dr. Steven Johnson's office, we offer a safe and effective teeth whitening solution that can help you achieve the look you want.... READ MORE about our teeth whitening solution
Did you know that approximately 40 million Americans experience bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, during their lifetime? Whether you're a child or an adult, clenching or grinding your teeth while you sleep can lead to various discomforts. Waking up with headaches, a sore jaw, or even chipped or lost teeth are common signs of bruxism. Fortunately, at Dr. Steven Johnson's office, we are experts in identifying these signs and providing effective treatment solutions...... READ MORE about the options for teeth grinding solutions
The ONLY Proven Restoration that Restores BOTH Parts of the Tooth.... READ MORE about Dental implants amazing benefits
Welcome to Dr. Steven Johnson's Dental Office, where we offer top-quality dental solutions, including bridges and denture... READ MORE about fixed bridges and dentures
There are several reasons why your teeth may need to be filled. Whether you have a small chip, tooth decay, or exposed sensitive dentin, addressing these issues is crucial for your oral health..... READ MORE about tooth colored fillings
If you are experiencing any kind of URGENT dental pain CONTACT US NOW
At Dr. Steven Johnson's dental office, we understand the importance of your regular check-up. We strive to create a comfortable and fulfilling experience for you.... READ MORE about check up appointment in our office
Imagine having straight teeth and all the amazing benefits that come with them.., READ MORE about the benefits of Invisalign you don't know yet